
"He said to them, 'Come and you will see.' So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day." John 1:39

Young men who are interested in religious life as a Divine Word Missionary priest or brother, are invited to “come and see” what it would be like to be an SVD candidate. For those who have already completed the required academics, their Come-and-See visit might be to our in Chicago.

For most young men, a Come-and-See visit spans a four-day weekend at DWC, where you have a chance to share meals, attend classes, hang out with students, talk with college officials and get answers to your questions.

Typically arriving on Thursday, you settle in, get a feel for your surroundings and meet a student host who will be with you during your stay. The next day, you attend morning Mass and then visit a few classes. At lunch, you meet with a faculty host, who can answer questions about classes and the academic programs.

On Friday night or Saturday night, there may be faith sharing with students, vocation directors as well as any SVD missionaries who might be visiting the campus. The group reads from the Bible, shares personal stories and discusses the idea of “call,” “vocation” and how God works in their lives.

There may be opportunities to take part in ministry activities, such as visiting the elderly or working in a soup kitchen. We always allow time to relax and hang out with students or make a trip into nearby Dubuque. If your visit is during a special event, you might take part in those celebrations. There will also be time for a sincere discussion with a vocation director about your attraction to religious life.

Ultimately the goals of the Come-and-See program are to allow you to feel at home at DWC, learn about Divine Word Missionaries and know that it is a good place to continue your personal faith journey and decide if religious life is for you.

If you are interested in a Come and See campus visit to DWC, email one of our vocation directors or call our office at 800-553-3321.

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