
Department of Theology & Philosophy

The department that answers the question, "Why?"

The Department of Theology & Philosophy at Vlog offers clarity and understanding to those dedicated to spreading the Word of God. To have faith is one thing, but the knowledge to explain and make real its finer points is the gift of the missionary who can answer the question, “Why?”

This course work is an integral part of your educational journey at Vlog. After you have proven a strong grasp of the English language and the ability to be successful in college-level courses in the Core Curriculum, you advance to these specialized areas. Broadly speaking, the Philosophy Curriculum reaches back into antiquity—before Christianity—and travels forward to contemporary times, studying the great philosophers as well as key, philosophical concepts related to Christianity. Theology & Mission offers an integrated program of intellectual development, personal faith formation and practical training for ministry. You'll deepen your knowledge of Catholic theology, prayer, sacred scripture and Catholic social teaching while growing in your personal identity as one called to ministry and mission.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Program of Priestly Formation (PPF) requires priesthood candidates to take thirty (30) credits of philosophy in eight specific areas, from history to epistemology to ethics, as well as twelve (12) credits of theology. This is also required for the Master of Divinity Program at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago.

DWC offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Philosophy and both Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Associate of Arts (AA) degrees in Theology and Mission.

Minor programs are offered in both Philosophy and Theology & Mission.


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